
Our Projects

A new Adventure Everyday

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Is a voluntarily community of philanthropists, educators and creative professionals in opera, ballet, theater, classical music, visual, and applied arts, who spare their time and share skills to support young fellow artists and promote the arts to new generations, making classics more accessible and understandable.

Becoming an Opera Singer

Vlada Danilyuk




English classes



Creative Fellowship 2022

Book Cinderella

Season 2021/2022 was one of the most eventful and challenging for @creative.fellowship scholarship program. We accepted over 100 applications, tried a new format, got into the new partnership, and explored the theme of choices and freedoms. As a case study for that we picked up Cinderella – the most known fairy tale in the world – and researched how the same story can be told by different art forms. This little animated film is the Year Book of our eventful season 2021/2022.

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Voluntary community of philanthropists and creative professionals promoting #classics & #arts to new generations

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