Event experience: how to organise a breathtaking charity show to shape a better future together.

On April 29, 2023 #creativefellowship was invited to “Austria for Life” charity Gala initiated by the Austrian non-profit organization LIFE+ and created by Gery Keszle, former Life Ball #lifeball organizer.

Although location #schonbrunnschloss, setup, cast, creative team of „Austria for Life„ are clearly way beyond our league, attending events like this always raises your personal barre and helps setting goals up clearer.

The storyline of the show was set as a history lesson for a class producing their dance, music and acting school play.
The teacher – portrayed by Kristina Sprenger – led the audience through the most significant milestones in the history of Austria.
Horse-driven carriages, including the 3D printed replica of the Habsburgs’ coronation carriage, were at the heart of scenography.
We travelled to the past and saw how Austrian ancestors dealt with pandemics, wars, climate isssues and natural disasters.

The show was musically shaped up by a variety of acts. It started with Maria Theresia – portrayed by the opera singer Alexandra Reinprecht riding on a centime – as well as her husband Franz I. Stephan – impersonated by Cornelius Obonya. The empress, who was one of the formative monarchs of the era of enlightened absolutism, sent her personal physician Gerard van Swieten – Herbert Föttinger – to fight against vampire belief (“We are in a bat country!”). “We are looking for enlightenment, but I see black,” says Föttinger as van Swieten.

Other historical figures such as Marie-Antoinette, Joseph II or Mozart were embodied by such artists  as Zoë Straub, Aaron Karl or Vincent Bueno.

Marco Pogo had his appearance as Johann Nestroy with “A Mensch is a Mensch” song by Turbobier. Anna Netrebko wrapped the spectacle up with the classical piece “Dich teure Halle”, an aria from the opera Tannhäuser.

Inside the palace celebrities supported by soldiers of the Guard of the Austrian Federal Army, sat on the donation phones.
Money raised  through this charity show is mainly used to support disadvantaged families, children and young people in Austria, including  those who fled Ukraine and found their refuge in Mozart’s land.

Behind the “Austria for Austria” initiative are Caritas, Diakonie, Hilfswerk, Red Cross, Samariterbund and Volkshilfe.

Marie-Antoinette, Joseph II or Mozart were also embodied by artists such as Zoe Straub, Aaron Karl or Vincent Bueno.

The show was musically accompanied by a variety of acts. Marco Pogo had his appearance as Johann Nestroy with “A Mensch is a Mensch” by Turbobier as well as the pop band Wanda with “Va Bene”, Ina Reigen with “Immer no da” or the classical piece “Dich teure Halle”, an aria from the opera Tannhäuser, interpreted by Anna Netrebko.

With Maria Theresia – portrayed by the opera singer Alexandra Reinprecht riding on a centime – as well as her husband Franz I. Stephan – portrayed by Cornelius Obonya – the “turn of the century” began in the play. The empress, who was one of the formative monarchs of the era of enlightened absolutism, sent her personal physician Gerard van Swieten – Herbert Föttinger took over the role – in the fight against vampire belief (“We are in bat country!”). “We are looking for enlightenment, but I see black,” says Föttinger as van Swieten. But other historical figures such as Marie-Antoinette, Joseph II or Mozart were also embodied by artists such as Zoë Straub, Aaron Karl or Vincent Bueno. In the case of the historic carriages, the replica of the coronation carriage in particular was at the heart. Actor Karl Markovics declaimed a peace poem.

a production of dance, music and acting, a school class with her teacher – portrayed by Kristina Sprenger

We travel to the past and see how our ancestors dealt with pandemics, wars, climate issues and nature issues