Today, on the occasion of World Refugee Day, we are proud to launch our “Book of Humanity” on-site and virtual art exhibition. This event gives young creative talents an opportunity to celebrate their potential as young partners in today’s global world and express moral support to those young people who found themselves in challenging life situations.

With this exhibition, we aim to promote social inclusion and integration, ensuring that young people in difficult circumstances feel welcomed into our communities and find the resources to build a better future.

The artworks, produced by children aged 11-18 who responded to our open call, share their visions of humanity. Their works explore how love, kindness, and social intelligence define us as humans and bridge cultural differences.

By launching “The Book of Humanity” exhibition, we celebrate and amplify young peoples’ voices, actions, and initiatives, promoting their meaningful, universal, and equitable engagement.

Starting from today the on-site exhibition will be hosted by the Bezisten Art Gallery of the NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments in N. Macedonia.

You are welcome to spread the word by downloading the Ready2Print “Book of Humanity” exhibition (link in bio) and showcasing it in relevant spaces, whether at your workplace, local town hall, or private business facility.

We thank our partners that made this project possible: Monte Language School (Brazil), Attitude Studios Vienna (Austria), DOO Buchim (N.Macedonia), NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments (N.Macedonia), Le Salley Dialogue School (France), PROSPECTIS SAS (France) Dot Shot Creative Agency (Slovakia), Rapunzel Community Art Center Appiano (Italy)

Curating artist: PETRA ZUBLASING

#WorldRefugeeDay #WorldRefugeeWeek #BezistenArtGallery #bookofhumanity


The Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum – Shtip is a cultural institution that conducts research, conservation, professional and scientific processing, protection, preservation, publication and presentation of immovable and movable cultural heritage.

Bezisten Art Gallery is a cultural monument which dates from the second half of the 16th century when he served as the main bazaar for the sale of luxury goods. Today is the most appropriate space for music concerts and art exhibitions.


Ready2Print Gallery is an innovative concept for museum-quality exhibitions. It allows anyone who wants to draw attention to the current humanitarian crisis to print selected artworks and host a charity exhibition in their own space. The Ready to Print exhibition can be printed by any institution worldwide—be it a school, dance studio, theater, or even a hair salon—to show solidarity with young people in challenging life situations.